Thinking on...Wellbeing (4) Andy Redman
Over the Easter weekend I tried very hard to focus on and enjoy ‘the present’, the ‘here and now’. It wasn’t easy and I’m not sure I succeeded. Speaking with members of our family based in London, in a flat without a garden and in lock-down for 12 weeks, at least, due to an on-going health issue,…
Thinking on...Wellbeing (2) Andy Redman
A week on after the start of lockdown...
It is possible that the novelty of lockdown may have worn off. This leaves us with the challenge of maintaining patterns of work, relaxation and wellbeing. Searching the internet for support and guidance may, in itself, add to the…
Thinking On...Wellbeing (1) Andy Redman
Looking after your mental health during times of increased stress
After last night’s news we will all, on a personal level, plenty to get our heads around. For many of us, our first priorities must be dealing with our own family contexts and challenges; some of which will be…