The Trust has worked with its partners across the sector both within the local authorities and nationally. This is not statutory but guidance to align with work you are already doing. All of the strategies contained within the toolkit are not prescriptive; some will suit individual schools more than others. As you know, we know that every school has its own unique context and there is no ‘one-size’ solution. The Toolkit may not answer every question that you have but it provides a starting point for schools to commence their planning. It offers prompts to aid leaders’ thinking on difficult issues such as the practical management of social distancing and hygiene routines as well as thoughts about the organisation of learning. It can be revisited as you and your teams adjust their plans during the national journey towards the new ‘normality’.
This is the place where we will place all documentation and the latest versions of any relevant guidance. All materials are available in Word format (contact if required) and can be taken as a starting point, edited, adapted and personalised for your settings. If you require further assistance with forms, groups or adaptation guidance please contact us. We will alert you to any updates and additions to the toolkit. As you know if there are any specific issues, do not hesitate to contact the team. There are also wellbeing resources (videos, documents, links and contact details) available here Trust Wellbeing page.
School Testing Toolkit
January Guidance - 21/01/22 Updated |
January Guidance - 06/01/2022 Updated
COVID Flowchart
Link to DfE Mass asymptomatic testing
Trust Forms
Link to Questionnaire for Critical and Key workers - copy and paste onto individual school communications
ALT Parent Key worker Questionnaire
Link to Board Information form
ALT Board Submission : School Status Summary
Testing and School Opening resources
Loan Agreement & Clearing Laptops
Core Documents & Guidance
Latest Reopening Guidance and Support
Trust Survey Links
ALT Parent & Carer Survey (Primary)
ALT Parent & Carer Survey (Secondary)
Staff availability
Reopening Document
Special School Guidance
Download a copy of 'Coming back to school in a bubble'
With thanks to Kezia Matthews and Shere Infant School & Nursery
Sample Templates & Plans
Appendix One
Health & Safety Signage
At our Coronacast Webinar, we were joined by Dr Matt Butler @mjb302 a consultant from the COVID Assessment Unit at Cambridge University Hospitals. Matt spoke about COVID19, how it is spread and the steps we need to take to reduce the risks for our children, our staff and our families.