- Phase
- Secondary
- Area of Excellence
- NQTs, Staff Welfare
- Accreditation
- IOE Leadership Pathways
- Summary
Matt is Lead School Professional Tutor and Staff Development Officer at Cromwell Community College. His job includes overseeing the induction and welfare of colleagues in their initial phases of their teaching career – all the way from the initial training year to NQT and RQT. He delivers regular bespoke CPD to help staff to understand and respond to the pressures of the job and ensures that colleagues are supported to stay on track to meet the teachers’ standards. In addition, Matt delivers SKE in Modern Foreign Languages and Early Career CPD for TES Institute and as such spends time working with colleagues and their mentors from across the full range educational settings and Key Stages. Matt’s most recent project has included working with postsixteen teachers in Cambridgeshire and Norfolk to raise Sixth Form students’ results as part of his role as SLE Lead.