- Phase
- Secondary
- Area of Excellence
- Teaching and learning, CPD
- Accreditation
- Summary
I am currently Head of School and have been responsible for teaching and learning for over 4 years. The Academy has gone through significant change in T&L over that time, going from Inadequate to Good in short space of time. I introduced a robust system of monitoring teaching and learning (now adopted by other schools in the area) which enabled us to prioritise effective support and CPD. It has been a pleasure to be part of such a forward thinking team and with a supportive trust, I am able to continue to develop Teaching and Learning based on contemporary research rather than fitting into a particular mould. Our support and CPD is such that we have a good reputation locally for teacher training and thus each year support a range of SCITTS, ITTS and TeachFirst with excellent results. I am currently working towards the completion of the Future Leaders’ Programme in addition to my NPQH.