Chantry Academy
Amy Manhertz
Area of Excellence
Behaviour, Pastoral
SLE (2019-2020)

I have been a secondary PE teacher for the past 17 years. I was a school sport coordinator for 7 of those years and worked across many high schools and many primary schools developing sport and PE. I have been a head of year for the past 6 years and feel that my main skills are as a year leader. I always aim to lead by example for both the staff and students and set high expectations that I expect students to meet across the school. This role has honed my skills as a middle leader. I have to liaise with a team of teachers who support my year group each morning during registration, I lead assemblies and ensure an awe inspiring start to the day for 180 pupils on a weekly basisfocussing always on a link to SMSC, I have became more confident when collating and interpreting data, I work closely with all departments across the school- often offering guidance and advice of how to reach the most challenging pupils and ensuring progress is being made, I plan and lead reward trips on a half termly basis, I worked closely- both with the Senior Leadership team within the school as well as the student voice representatives- I meet with my year council on a fortnightly basis and as a direct result of these meetings have initiated a number of anti-bullying campaigns for my year groups. One such notable campaign entailed each student signing an anti- bullying pledge and posters were designed and entered into a competition. The winning poster is now displayed around the school as a reminder to other students about the impact of anti -social behaviour. On a daily basis I liaise with key pastoral support staff and offer advice and guidance where necessary but also know when to delegate and allow them to take the lead on behavioural matters. During my time as head of year I have also communicated with local business and local police officers to ensure a positive image of our Academy is always being portrayed. I currently lead a number of interventions with key groups of students aiming to raise attainment and progress and harness the enthusiasm that our year 7 students join us with. One successful intervention at the moment is the training I have given a number of our HPA students who are now acting as learning mentors for our MPA students working with them on maths, science and English work. I support staff in and out of the classroom and will support in lessons often by impromptu team teaching to demonstrate to less experienced staff how to explain tasks, how to question students and gather deeper thinking and deeper discussion as well as displaying good classroom management techniques. I work as transition lead and go into the primary schools to liaise with them to ensure a smooth and successful transition.
