- Phase
- Secondary
- Subject
- Area of Excellence
- SEND, Transition
- Accreditation
Prince’s Trust Advocate
- Summary
Sarah is the SENDCo and Designated Teacher for Care Experienced Children. She has a master’s degree in special and inclusive education, has gained the NASENCo qualification and has recently completed the NPQML. Sarah is a Prince’s Trust advocate and practitioner and is passionate about ensuring that learners acquire the skills and attributes they need to succeed in life. She has successfully implemented a multitude of systems that not only ensure appropriate support is provided to those in need but that the all-important accuracy of record keeping is accomplished. These include the design of school-wide SEND systems which help staff to develop students’ holistic achievements and the creation of a focused CPD program for Teaching Assistants. Recently, she introduced the principles of Nurture to the secondary school in which she works and is also currently developing trauma informed practices. Sarah has developed and successfully implemented a robust enhanced transition programme which supports students moving from the primary to secondary sector. At GCSE level students with EHCPs perform well as do the Children in Care, often exceeding target grades and achieving positive progress 8 scores. Sarah is currently liaising closely with parents and carers in the co-production of the school’s SEND information report and is involved in developing a school-wide programme for the provision of alternative education