- Phase
- Primary
- Subject
- Curriculum
- Area of Excellence
- PiXL, Metacognition
- Accreditation
- ALT LAL (2014-2015)
Teaching Leaders
- Summary
Anna is a highly experienced practitioner across the primary phase. Having completed LAL, Teaching Leaders (including an NPQML) and now currently working through gaining NPQSL, Anna has many years’ experience of leading projects across the school. In addition to leading Upper Key Stage 2, one of Anna’s main areas of responsibility is leading the whole school application of PiXL. This is now systematically delivered from Y1 upwards and is having a significant impact on the progress of key marginal pupils in all cohorts. Anna has also recently started working for the PiXL English Team and is involved in developing resources for reading and writing. Additionally, Anna is the whole school lead for learning behaviour and metacognition. Initially driven by research conducted in her own class, Anna has now begun to develop the use of metacognitive strategies across the school.
- Anna.heaven@sidegate.net
- https://twitter.com/anna_heaven