Albert Pye and Ravensmore

North Suffolk Hub

Fredericks Road, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9UL

OFSTED Grade: Good (2 December 2018)

Henrietta Lane
Area of Excellence

Henrietta is an experienced SENDCo who leads on SEND across our federation. Henrietta has always been passionate about inclusion, ensuring provision within our federation is highly inclusive. Both schools have an excellent reputation locally in meeting the needs of all pupils, as every child’s individual needs are viewed as a learning opportunity for staff and for strengthening the provision we can offer. Henrietta’s many strengths include:

  • Being a trained ‘Autism Champion’ to ensure autism friendly learning and provision across all classes
  • Currently completing her level 2 BSL (British Sign Language) qualification. Henrietta runs a sign language club and signing choir weekly at Albert Pye
  • A bespoke tracking system developed from a coaching and mentoring programme. This ensures, for those children working below expected levels, that the focus on progress from their starting points is maintained and can be evidenced
  • An established Parent Share, where parents of SEND children can meet together, give feedback and their views are used to inform our practice and provision for SEND
  • Leadership of the No Outsiders programme. This is an excellent project which ensures the teaching of the Equality Act 2010 through quality children’s books. Implementation of this programme has changed our way of looking at inclusion, spreading the message that ‘everyone is welcome in our school’. The success of this is evidenced through the impact on staff, children and parents across both schools. Further development has led to Henrietta including our own books to support children’s learning and understanding, linking directly with Andrew Moffat as we personalise this programme to our own schools’ needs. This project has also informed our planning for the new RSE curriculum. The most exciting thing has been to hear the ‘No Outsiders’ message from the children themselves as it is then you can see the impact it has truly had.