- Phase
- Primary
- Subject
- RE, Religion and Worldwide Views
- Area of Excellence
- Curriculum, Coordination
- Accreditation
- ALT LAL (2015-2016)
Stage 1: Culham St
Gabriel’s & AREIAC
Leadership Programme
NATRE East Anglia Regional
- Summary
Katie has been teaching and leading Primary Religion and Worldviews for 9 years. While building a high-challenge, vibrant, REQM Gold-Standard curriculum in her own school, she has been working with, training and advising schools and teachers across East Anglia in improving RW provision. A proponent of the multidisciplinary approach to RW, Katie is passionate about RW Curriculum design, knowledge building and skills progression. Through her roles as NATRE East Anglia Regional Ambassador and membership of
Suffolk SACRE, AREIAC and AULRE, Katie is working to enact RW policy change while supporting classroom practitioners. Katie is currently awaiting the outcome of the election process following her nomination to join the NATRE Executive Committee. Currently engaged in Stage 2 of the Culham St Gabriel’s and AREIAC Leadership Programme, she is particularly interested in how MATs can proactively facilitate RW development in their schools and beyond. You can follow her on Twitter on @goochkt You can also join her Regional Facebook Group here: RE East
- Katie.gooch@sidegate.net
- @goochkt