The ATT Programme aims to equip trainees to become effective and reflective classroom practitioners, who are confidently and competently able to demonstrate classroom skills in one or more specialist subject areas across both the age and ability range of the phase in which they are training to teach.
The ATT School Direct programme enables trainees to acquire and develop the values, commitments, personal qualities, knowledge, understanding and skills that all teachers need. It also offers opportunities to network professionally with colleagues from a variety of contexts and phases, which will be essential to trainees continuing professional development as a teacher.
Trainees will be strongly encouraged to reflect on their school-based and centre-based training experiences in order to develop professional practice and build skills of critical enquiry and reflective learning. This course lays the foundation for lasting professional development, therefore trainees will be expected to read widely and be proactive in seeking further information from schools/colleagues in order to independently apply knowledge and learning to their own classroom practice.
The ATT School Direct Programme has been designed to give trainees the opportunity to meet the requirements for achieving Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). The course meets the requirements for Initial Teacher Education as set out in the revised Teachers’ Standards and revised ITT Requirements 2015.
The aims of the ATT School Direct Programme are to:
- Facilitate trainees development towards becoming an effective professional
- Support trainees to develop the organisation and transferable skills central to the profession
- Provide opportunities to develop a systematic understanding and critical awareness of educational policy, theory and practice
- Provide the knowledge and skills that enable trainees to apply theory to practice
- Introduce trainees to what is known about pupils as learners, both from research and professional experience
- Enable trainees to achieve an appropriate level of subject knowledge for application in schools;
- Develop understanding of the principles and practice of assessment related to the National Curriculum in England and examination specifications
- Enable trainees to understand teaching as a profession, and how schooling may be applied in different contexts
- Develop trainees’ ability to deal with complex issues, make sound judgements and communicate outcomes clearly, in a form appropriate to the audience
Support trainees to develop the ability to learn independently and apply this to continuing professional development as they enter the teaching profession, as well as:
- the ability to evidence meeting the Teachers’ Standards and achieve QTS
- a commitment to life-long professional learning
- a commitment to support all young people of whatever creed, ethnic background, sexuality, gender etc.
- a commitment to helping all young people to fulfill their potential promote equality for all
- By the end of the programme trainees will understand:
- A range of theoretical frameworks and research which underpin understanding of teaching and learning
- Ethical issues involved in the teaching and pastoral responsibilities of a teacher
- Appropriate pedagogical, management and assessment strategies to promote effective teaching and learning
- The importance of being able to evidence that trainees take account of and support pupils’ varying needs